The Happiness Machine
Fr, 09.10.2020 | 13:00 Uhr
Zwanzig Künstlerinnen schufen zehn Animationsfilme, um verschiedene Aspekte des Gemeinwohls zu reflektieren – Chancen und Risiken, Theorie und Praxis werden mittels fortgeschrittener partizipativer Musikformen, Theater und Animation zur Diskussion gestellt. Weitere Infos und das gesamte Programm zu finden unter: www.fa-berlin.com/ Twenty female artists created ten animated films to reflect various aspects of the Common Good Economy – its chances and risks as well as its theory and its practice will be brought up for discussion through animation, music and by advanced participatory forms of music theatre. For further information and full programm, please visit: www.fa-berlin.com/ Urania Humboldt Saal Freitag, 09.10.2020, 13:00 Uhr Urania Humboldt Saal Friday, 09.10.2020, 1:00 p.m.